School Principal Message


I welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated to a high standard of excellence. I understand and appreciate the most difficult and challenging task ahead of us. Shaping the destiny of a child is a matter of great pride for each one of us. The main object of education is the establishment of a twofold harmony in every individual – harmony within his own self and harmony with other living beings in the world. So, our goal has always been the personality enrichment through curricular and co-curricular activities.
Teaching is much more than a career or a profession. It (teaching) is the most onerous responsibility of moulding and shaping a child into a responsible citizen. I am certain my students will become productive, Intelligent and honest citizen of society. The active participation and co-operation of parents would be extremely essential to achieve the desired results. We strive with in-dominate zeal to seek fresh vistas of excellence so as to enable our students to become self-restrained and come out with flying colours in the present age of competition.
I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process, using team strategies, while wholly cantering on student achievement. We have set out on an elevating and simulative journey with the aim of providing our children an exclusive learning experience by teaching them to march ahead with positive attitude, skill, confidence, sensitivity and responsibility.